Here is a selection of the videos we have published on YouTube. It includes the pool of excellent musicians that have played with the band since it started in 2011. You will find more if you do a search for the Jabbo Five on YouTube.
Little Willie Blues is a Jabbo Smith original and was one of the first recordings we made in 2011. It llineoup features Mike Denham piano, Des Bacon reeds, Pete Miller banjo, John Beecham tuba and Dave Martin cornet.
Absolutely is the title of our second CD. Here you can see it performed at the Upton Jazz Festival in 2012. Tom Whittingham is depping for John Beecham on sousaphone.
Ace of Rhythms is anotherJabbo Smith original and takes its title from the name of his band The Rhythm Aces. It was also filmed in 2011 but featured our other pianist Dave Soby.
'Til times get better is a song written by Jabbo and refers to the gloom brought on by phrohibition in the USA. The band performed it in this video at Bude Jazz Festival in 2013. Tom Whittingham is playing sousaphone.
Wild man Blues was recorded in 2014 and features some new faces. On piano is Phil Blandford, Mike Lancaster plays sousaphone and Hugh Roberts joins us on reeds.
The Jabbo Five also play some numbers with the Louis Armstrong Hot Five line-up. In this recording of Savoy Blues we see Tom Whittingham on trombone, instead of Sousaphone. It was recorded at Bude Jazz Festival in 2013
Since my best gal turned me down, recorded at the 51 Club of Cornwall, dates from 2014 and includes Nick White on reeds.
Moanful blues is a Jabbo Smith original filmed in 2017 at Paignton Conservative Club
Sometimes the band plays without the piano as the Jabbo Four. Here they are here seen performing the Bugle Call Rag at the Crown and Sceptre, Torbay, in 2017.
Kiss me Sweet dates from about 1923 and was composed by Armand Piron. It is a number which Jabbo Smith recorded in 1983 singing with Pug Horton.